Last Updated: Before 30 days ago
Phone | ☎️ (610) 785-0778 |
💦🫦My name Unique,🫦💦 Would love to spend some time Together. You won't regret the time you spend. 📸Photos posted are real accurate and current, will not be sending my face however there won't be any disappointme ⛔No time wasters, no bullshitters⛔ Toys are fun👅 and enjoyable, must be provided new. Only text when your ready⏳ 🏡 out calls, incalls & CarDates If wanting me to travel farther than 30 minutes I will require a deposit💵 will be fair Can do🎞 virtual/ 🎥video/📸photos prices vary Clean🚿 shaved🪒 kitty 🐈ready for you to make wet 💦and cum 🚫Protection is a must, NO BB only extra🚫 Ready waiting for you to Text/Call-610-785-0778 |